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We offer two different price packages that accommodate your guest list while still being affordable. Each package can be bundled with our Alcohol package if you wish to have alcohol at your event.


If you are unsure if you qualify for the Resident/Non-Resident rate please call us at 330-263-5207.

Fees are based on a 4-hour rental (minimum). User will be charged for entire time of room usage. This includes time used for decorating, clean up, etc. There will be an additional charge per hour for each hour of use beyond the initial four. The time required for the rental must be indicated at the time of reservation.

There is a $50 non-refundable deposit that is required to book a date.


The Chalet at Freedlander Park Wedding
Silver Package

Small Group (50 or less)


Resident: $250.00

Non - Resident: $300.00


Additional Hours

Resident: $25.00

Non - Resident: $35.00


Alcohol at


Alcohol Beverage Policies

Alcohol Use


A separate Alcohol Use Permit must be applied for through the View Point Cloud online permitting service at Renter must provide City of Wooster with a Certificate of Insurance.


An Alcohol Use Permit can be applied for by any events held inside of the Chalet at Freedlander Park EXCEPT FOR High School Graduation Parties. The City of Wooster and the Recreation Department reserve the right to refuse an Alcohol Use Permit to any event.


Provide a certificate of insurance to City of Wooster showing evidence of personal liability insurance in an amount not less than $300,000.


Alcohol must be provided by applicant.


Applicants who wish to provide alcohol to guests, must do so at no cost. No sales or cash bars are permitted. Distribution of alcohol brought onto the premises will be the responsibility of the applicant.


To provide a certificate of insurance to City of Wooster listing City of Wooster as a certificate holder and additional insured in an amount not less than $1,000,000.


All events permitting the sale of alcohol or events involving alcohol with ticket sales must be hosted by a non-profit entity and follow the guidelines put forth by the State of Ohio Attorney General Liquor Permit Guide for Charities.


If alcohol is provided at no cost where access is restricted to invited guests, no other State permits will be required in addition to this Alcohol Permit



  • Any beverages in glass containers (wine, champagne, liquor, beer, etc), must be served into and consumed from a non-glass container. Any individuals serving alcohol must be 21 years of age or older.

  • Applicant must agree to: Ensure all state liquor laws are followed. Oversee responsibilities in monitoring the alcohol consumption of all who are in attendance in conjunction with State Liquor Laws and minimum age requirements.

  • Should any concerns arise regarding underage drinking, or over-consumption, a City of Wooster representative will seek out the permit holder in an attempt to resolve the situation. It is understood that there will be no tolerance for underage consumption, excessive rowdiness that results from over consumption, or individuals who violate State Liquor Laws.

  • The applicant will be held liable to pay for damages to City property that results from facility use.

  • Should issues arise that are not able to be resolved between the permit holder and the building supervisor, the City of Wooster reserves the right to contact local law enforcement. Failure to abide by the above rules may result in immediate expulsion of individuals, or the entire group, citation into court or action brought forth by local law enforcement.

  • Alcohol is NOT PERMITTED in any public park facility or on public grounds without prior approval from the City of Wooster Recreation Department. When the use of alcohol is approved, it must be done so by securing an Alcohol Use Permit. Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed inside the facility itself, no drinks will be served or consumed out-of-doors including the parking lot, balcony and the area immediately surrounding the Chalet at Freedlander Park.

  • The City of Wooster assumes no duty of supervision in the provision of alcoholic beverages and the applicant agrees to hold the City, its agents and employees, harmless, fully indemnify and assumes any and all host liability or other liability to guests, invitees, relatives, friends or third parties


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